Tim and I are grateful for the joys that 2012 brought us, and especially for our new friends from all over the world! The Wall Street Journal article, which was published in October, brought over 2600 new subscribers to this blog, and our correspondence with you has enriched our lives. You have invited us to stay with you, dine with you, and you’ve offered to show us your cities, and we hope we’ll get a chance to accept your kind offers. You have generously shared your travel experiences. Best of all, you have laughed with us and at us as we stumble along, learning about the world as we go. We’ve enjoyed your company and never feel lonely because you’re with us.
Since we don’t have the luxury of actually sharing a meal with you, we thought we’d share photos of some luscious foodie moments we have enjoyed on the road. We wish you could have been with us and we hope that you’ll continue to share our travels in 2013.
Bon appétit!
Haute Tex-Mex in LondonLamb!More Lamb.Oysters Every Way!Fancy ship fare.Shipboard Surf and TurfOHhhhhh Oso BucoFood Everywhere!This was in Istanbul. Eggplant and smoky peppers.Turkey. Glorious food!Would you believe beets? Paris.Home cookin’ in Paris.At D’Orsay Museum, Paris.
La Coupole, Paris. Happy Anniversary.Bananas. Paris.Salmon.My Favorite Cheese Man in Paris.And the cheese he sold us one day.Hot Bread. Paris.Tin to Table – Cassoulet Fast Food.No comment. Too good to talk about.Vezely, France. Escargot.Fussy French Food.
Over the TOP! France, of course.Gorgeous.Luscious – you know where.Octopus. Italy!
I think this woman was drinking wine. This was our kitchen in Florence.Tim and our friend Dyon making a burger Florence style. Where is the Weber when you really need it?Italian yumminess.Goat cheese wrapped with sweet peppers. Italy.Italy. Check the fries.Fish and chips fancy Italian style.Italian meat. Who’s the ham?Ham, ham, ham and melon. Italian addiction.French aspic with seafood. La Charité sue Loire.Créme fraiche with sweet wonderfulness on top. France.Dessert, anyone?Paella at the Eden Project, Cornwall, England.Irish breakfast.Hearty English food.Yummies in London.Taco eating lesson in a London restaurant. The owners were from Mexico City. it was spectacular food!Guinness in Dublin.Fried cheese and guacamole. Yes, it’s London!Fish and chips, Irish style.The Irish love potatoes!The Irish also know everything about oysters.Aboard Ship – more gym time required.Tim has discovered the joys of patéFoamy scallops in Dublin.Hearty Irish Sausage.Trout right out of the loch.Moroccan stew.This pot cooked all day in the steam at the hammam (Moroccan bath) next door. Beef with lemons. Fabulous!Marrakech Market.This lady ran a street restaurant under a tent in the main square of Marrakech. I thought she was beautiful and she graciously allowed me to take her picture.This is what her restuarant was serving. It was divine!Here we are doing what we do best, waiting for dinner to be served. In Istanbul. Happy New Year everyone!
Lynne Martin lives Home Free with her husband, novelist Tim Martin. They are nomadic retirees living abroad internationally with two suitcases, two computers, and the savvy to have a good time wherever they find themselves. Lynne's book Home Sweet Anywhere, will be published April 1, 2014, by Sourcebooks, Inc.