An Irish Idyll

Tim and I attract good fortune: we have excellent health, wonderful friends, both new and dearly familiar, families who love us, great lodging luck, and reasonable expectations for a long and comfortable life together. Unfortunately, we also attract lousy weather.

The last time we were truly warm we were in Italy. We weren’t just warm, we were FRYING in the worst heat that country had experienced in 200 years. Then, when we arrived in Venice in February, there was snow on the ground. After that, during our five weeks in Portugal in late February through March, they experienced one of the coldest spells anyone could remember.
Which brings me to April in Ireland. Now, we knew for a fact that it would be wet, and we expected it to be cool. Ireland is, after all, an island in the Atlantic Ocean, the last stop before Europe! Of course it would be lousy in April. But every Irish person with whom we discussed the weather, which means every Irish person we ever spoke with, told us that it was the WORST April in recorded history!

The weather did keep us inside much of the time, but as you can see, this was hardly a burden! We were extremely comfortable, warm and secure, and we happily spent the really stormy days writing and enjoying the benefits of our excellent kitchen and cheerful fireplace. The garden developed outside our windows and we witnessed spring overtaking the barren landscape of the winter in the southwest of Ireland.
There were some breaks in the storm patterns and each time it happened we would dash out to enjoy Ireland’s magic. The rugged Beara Peninsula began five minutes from our house, right over a little stone bridge. We were instantly captured by its grandeur, and a beautiful drive through deep canyons of Healy Pass led us to a little town and a pub lunch of local mussels and brown bread. A pint of perfectly pulled Guinness gave me the stamina to go home and hit the computer again! I was writing articles and trying to finish the book manuscript, too.
We took one of our famous two day in-country vacations to see two stunning sites which were less than two hours away. We were lucky once more and enjoyed a rare warm, sunny day. Cahir Castle, which is one of Ireland’s largest, was built in 1142 by Conor O’Brien (ahem, my mother’s maiden name) and has a spectacular history of wars, destruction, rebuilding, and remodeling (some of which reminds me a bit of my Irish family history). Like all Irish monuments, it is beautifully maintained, and the informative staff is helpful. They even gave us sun!

We drove on to Cashel, where the twelfth century Romanesque church commands a tall outcropping. Its carvings and dramatic windows, which are open to the sky today, demanded our attention, and Tim was very busy clicking away at the magnificent masonry and irresistible views. The chapel walls contain the oldest and most revered wall paintings in Ireland. We spent a long time walking through the graveyard, with its toppled stones and high crosses. On one side we looked down to Hore Abbey, the desolate ruins of a twelfth century Cistercian community. The site was almost empty that day, which gave us the rare opportunity to appreciate the work of ancient people without the noise and confusion that other tourists bring to such places. It’s a treat to be allowed some time of reverence without someone smashing into us with back-packs or shouting at their friends.
We spent the night in a very comfortable small hotel right in the main street of Cashel town, chatted up the barman across the street, and had a delicious dinner in the hotel’s dining room. The place, built many centuries ago, was beautifully refurbished and very comfortable. It was a memorable getaway and the next day we drove home via Waterford where we had lunch with two of the editors at International Living Magazine who have been kind enough to publish some stories I’ve written for them about our life on the road.
We hurried home through a series of wild downpours, Victoria, the GPS, calmly chatting away as Tim dodged lorries, sheep and rain-filled potholes. We had a lunch date the next day to meet our new friends Renee and Pat Hanrahan from Wichita, Kansas. Renee had written to me weeks in advance and we’d made a date for a pub lunch in Kenmare. They were charming company, and it gave us an opportunity to talk face to face with people who are reading this blog and following our home free life. They came up with some fresh ideas like the comment section at the end of each post, where we hope you will tell us about YOUR experiences! It was so nice of them to share part of their day with us!

It was almost time for us to leave Ireland and I was writing demonically every day to try to make my own deadline and finish the first draft of Home Free by the time we left for France. I took one afternoon off from my labors to have a manicure and pedicure, and I flip-flopped my way to the pub next door where my tootsies dried in front of a peat fire and a little Irish whiskey made me feel as bright as my toenails.

Alan and Maureen Grainger, who were our neighbors the year before in Bray, outside Dublin, came down to Kenmare on their way to visit other friends in the area. It was wonderful fun to catch up and I had a chance to cook for them, which is a rare thing when we’re living on the road! We had a wonderful Irish evening with a big storm raging outside and a big fire inside to make us all feel cozy.
I made my personal writing deadline in spite of all the delightful distractions and we were soon packed and locking the house and gates on our idyllic hilltop for the last time. It was a bittersweet moment because we had enjoyed ourselves in so many ways, yet we were looking forward to new adventures in our favorite city, Paris.
First we stopped in Dublin for a couple of days. It is a musical, fun, fascinating city full of vibrant life, grounded in ancient history. Dublin is as complex and lyrical as the Irish people themselves, and I’m always sad to leave.
We were bound for Paris with the newly finished manuscript and the hope that our new temporary home would give us better weather. We were thinking so positively that the wool Salvation Army coats we had bought last year in England remained in Ireland. We wondered all the way to Charles de Gaulle Airport if we had made a mistake. With our recent weather karma, it certainly was a possibility, and no one can predict what the French climate will produce from one moment to the next. We tell ourselves often, especially when we’re broiling in heat or shivering with cold that uncertainty is part of the fun and excitement of being Home Free, but personally, I like the part when we’re comfortable and dry in a fabulous room with a view!
If you’ve had interesting experiences in Ireland or have something to share with future visitors, please feel free to add your comments below! We’re all learning about the world together.!
I’ve been following your blog and hope to do the same someday.
When my wife and I visited England a few years ago to drive for 3 weeks Kent-to-Cornwall, she was apprehensive about my driving on the left. To calm her nerves, I opened a book upside-down and began to read to her. If you can read upside-down you can drive on the left. It’s all in your head and takes about 5 minutes to get used to it.
Hi Marshall,
We are semi-experts in the left-side driving business, and I’ll be happy to tell you what I know:
1. Get an automatic. Shifting while driving on the “wrong” side is like rubbing your tummy and patting your head. Really hard.
If you get stuck, a shift is helpful, but just avoid big hills in mud and you’ll be okay.
2. The rear view mirror will drive you crazy. You never really get used to not looking to the right for it. Best use side mirrors if you
can stand it.
3. Plan your route the first few times out – meaning, have a good idea where you are going and use a pencil and paper to get the
roundabout plans clearly in mind. Enter roundabout on the left, EXIT on the left. Moving lanes in the roundabout depends on
where you are getting off. If you miss your turn, just keep going around until you have it right.
4. Stay toward the middle of the road or you WILL hit the curb or the vine-covered wall on your left. The driver coming toward
you will NOT hit you, although you think he will. In the case of two way roads that are one lane wide (all OVER the country),
the opposing drivers mutually decide by body language who will back up and pull into the last little pullout place. There
isn’t much of a definite rule. You’ll get it, though.
The good news is that Brits and Irish are very sweet and courteous and will generally not run you down if you are nice, too.
Do not have a drop of alcohol. They are SERIOUS.
There you have it. All I know that might be of help. Keep calm and carry on, and all that, and have a WONDERFUL time!!!
Slainté (cheers)
Having Irish heritage, spending a few weeks in Ireland is on our bucket list but, how was it to drive on the leftside on country roads? Was it best to rent an automatic? Would love to know your experience with the “leftside”. Thanks in advance.
Hi Mary Margaret,
Yes, isn’t Ireland magical? Every moment there is like living in a fairy land.
The place his spirits everywhere. Hope you get to return soon.
All the best,
Hi George and Mary,
Thank you so much for writing. I love what you’re doing and will
certainly pass it along to my web master.
Keep on traveling and writing!
All the best,
Lynne and Tim
Fabulous pictures and a wonderful narrative to match! Congratulations on finishing your manuscript and having a pint of Guinness to celebrate!
I traveled to Ireland at age 19 to meet a penpal I had written to since the 8th grade. I have pictures of some of the very same places Tim had photographed but really had no appreciation for much of the history. When viewing the Book of Kells, I remember thinking, “oh, that’s pretty”. Now at age 56, I cannot wait to spend time immersed in the rich history and beautiful countryside. Getting my “bicycle” polished up for the ride!
We have just been introduced to your blog by some friends from Iowa whom you recently met in Ireland.
My wife and I are also “home free,” but our journey has been somewhat different from yours as you will see from our blog cited above (and our blog is nowhere near as professional as yours). I have subscribed for your updates, and we plan to keep checking in on your adventures.
If you think your readers might be interested in our “midlife adventure,” please feel free to share our website URL with them.
My wife & I lived & worked in the UK back in the early 80’s but I went over in 2005 to see our son who was taking a college semester in London. After he finished his semester we travelled around the British Isles & went for the first time to Northern Ireland. I had no idea it was so beautiful & charming & would recommend you visit the north on your next journey. It is difficult to fathom the “troubles” that existed in Belfast from our experiences.
I continue to enjoy reading your blog and just want to say that your latest entry reminds me that the best thing to pack, regardless of the length of your trip, is a positive attitude.
Whether your facing less than perfect weather or any other challenge, being positive and looking for the good, fun or interesting aspect of the situation is certainly the smartest thing to do.
It has been nearly 10 years since I had the good fortune to spend 3 weeks in Ireland (the last of which was with my daughter, who had just graduated from college–wonderful!!) and I’ve been wanting to get back with my husband ever since. This fall we will get to spend one day in Dublin and one in Belfast as stops on a transatlantic cruise. Not as much time as I’d like to spend there, but a start. Once he gets a taste of Ireland, I’m sure he’ll want to return. Keep up the great posting.
We are reliving our trip to Ireland through your very lively and colorful blogs. A great memory
Was staying at an ancient B and B castle..cold rooms, spiral staircase to our lodging but the warmth of the hosts overcame all that. Envy them their pubs. Make you feel right at home and of course everyone there had a cousin living in the states!
With Erin for a name, you’d think I would have some Irish blood in me. But no. My mother was watching Erin O’Brien on TV just before I was born and figured it was a name that would be easy to pronounce in both English and Turkish.
Having retired at the end of last November, we are currently full-timing in our motorhome, so I guess we are not entirely “home free,” but the plan is to take time out from being on the road and travel overseas for periods of time … best of both worlds, I think.
We had a great time there too. Drove a loop starting and ending in Dublin. Some really beautiful scenes; some bad rain. Driving in Ireland was a little challenge.
This set of photos from that trip (we spent three days in London on the way back) is kind of a joking look; but there are some photos that are similar to yours on another Facebook album.
My mother was a Cunningham, Timothy, Dunn and Fitzgerald. Guess her ethnic background!
By the way, if you enjoy reading about Home Free, please feel free to Tweet, Toot, Facebook, or smoke signal your friends about it so they can have fun with us, too! A growing audience means that more people will get the idea that they may find they can live their lives in a little different way and have more fun!
There’s a place to do that at the bottom of the entry!
Lynne and Tim
Thank you so much. We are happy that you enjoy reading about our adventures and yes, Paris is coming up.
Meantime, if you have stories about your visit to Ireland or to any other places, be sure to post them here.
We’ve been meeting a lot of Home Free subscribers out in the world and they all have good stories about their traveling lives. Everyone wants to know about other people’s discoveries, especially Lynne and Tim Martin!
Thanks for reading!
Loved your post on Ireland. Brought back lots of memories of our trip there and
we, too, stayed in Kenmare. Truly a fond visual memory of the main street with all the
different colored storefronts. Can’t wait for your Paris posts!
Your writings continue to leave me with ‘warm and fuzzy thoughts’! Loving every morsel of your shared travels! Wish you continued ‘safe travels’!
love this!!
My mother, too was an O’Brien.
Enjoy your posts and cannot wait until my husband and I experience travel the way you guys do! Not full-time, but am looking forward to a number of weeks in one area. Thanks!
You really should consider County Cork next year, especially Kinsale as a home base. You would only be about 20 minutes to Cork city and all the great pubs and restaurants. The only problem is you may not want to leave.
I just want to say I really enjoy reading your blog and look forward to more. Thanks for sharing.